Dromgool Horsemanship: The Best Horseback Riding Training in NZ

When you say that you have a deep connection with your pet, people usually think of cats and dogs. But when you say the same words in New Zealand, people think of horses. Many people in this country have horses as pets and they even learn horse riding from a very early age. This helps them to create a deeper connection with their horse and pony. But first, if you are ready to do so, you must think of the best horseback riding New Zealand clinicians in the country that can host workshops to help you in building a connection with your horse. If you’re searching for such clinicians, don’t you worry; Dromgool Horsemanship is a leading and prestigious Horsemanship training business in NZ that is owned and operated by Horsemanship Clinicians Jane and Ken Dromgool. Both of them had horses in their lives from a very early age. Their passion towards horse riding grew each day as they grew older. Today, in the hope of training and educating people like you about horse riding, they ...